This article was written by Ryan Bergman, program coordinator in ag technology with Iowa State University Extension and originally posted to ISU Extension's Integrated Crop Management website.
to spring field operations, ensuring your equipment is ready can save
valuable time and reduce stress when windows get tight due to weather
conditions. The sprayer is a critical piece of equipment in most crop
production operations. Ensuring your sprayer is mechanically sound,
clean, and properly setup will help ensure quality and timely
applications of spring fertilizer and pesticides.
Nozzle selection and setup
The spray nozzles are a critical piece of quality spray applications.
Take time to look at the products you plan to apply in 2020 and
evaluate if the nozzles you already have will work well with those
products at the speeds and pressure you plan to operate in. Some
chemicals like dicamba and 2,4-D products have strict nozzle
requirements whereas other products like glyphosate allow more choices.
For example, there are only four types of TeeJet nozzles approved for
use with Enlist Duo herbicide
(nozzle specifications on page three). When applying multiple products,
refer to the label with the most strict nozzle requirements to select
your nozzle for that application. If you operate at a wide range of
speeds and pressures during the season you may want to evaluate the
benefits of a PWM (pulse-width modulated) spray system to provide a
broader range of nozzle flow rates while managing droplet size more
Running the sprayer with water to evaluate nozzle performance before
the season starts is a best practice. Ensure this is done in a safe
manner with proper personal protective equipment. This allows you to
check the flow through each nozzle. While this can be time consuming, it
helps you identify worn, plugged, or damaged nozzles. Using a tool like
a Spot-On Calibrator (video available) can make this process quicker and simpler.
Nozzles with debris build up can cause significant deviations in flow
between nozzles on a common rail boom setup (Figure 1). The debris will
cause the affected nozzle to experience a different pressure than
non-plugged nozzles on another area of the boom and create rate
variation across the boom. This illustrates the importance of
recognizing the quality of water you are spraying and taking appropriate
measures to protect your system from debris. This might include
additional strainers on the loading lines of the machine and cleaning
nozzles more frequently. It’s also good to examine nozzle alignment
during this process. Nozzle holders or mounts can bend or move
(especially if booms frequently hit the ground or other obstructions).
Proper alignment ensures the optimum spray pattern is maintained by your
Figure 1. Nozzle strainers will often build up debris as a
result of dirty carrier solution or chemical build-up. If left clogged
this will restrict solution flow through this nozzle and impact the
application rate for this nozzle. Photo credit: Ryan Bergman, ISU Extension.
Solution plumbing
It’s always recommended that the machine’s plumbing is cleaned
regularly to avoid chemical build up and potential cross contamination.
Double check these areas prior to heading to the field in 2020.
Strainers are crucial to ensuring particulate doesn’t get into the
solution system or nozzles. Regular cleaning of all strainers on the
machine is always recommended. Some machines have multiple strainers on
the chassis or boom. (Figure 2)
Inspect the machine plumbing for hoses that are not properly
secured, sagging, or have excess wear. Sagging or kinked hoses can
impede solution flow and cause chemicals to become trapped in these
areas. Replace worn hoses and tie up loose hoses.
Remove and check the end caps on solution tubes for buildup and clean if needed.
Depending on the type of flowmeter your system uses, remove the insert and ensure it’s clean and can move freely. (Figure 3)
Have the flowmeter on your machine re-calibrated. Your local
equipment dealer or rate control supplier can assist you with this
The fence row nozzles are typically the first to be broken on a
machine due to their placement. If equipped on your machine, make sure
the nozzles and plumbing are in good working order and the system is
functional if you intend to use it.
Check around fittings for any chemical residue or evidence of leaks.
Inspect the foam marking systems if equipped. While many operators
don’t use these today, they can come in handy if your machine
experiences GPS problems.
Figure 2. Frequently inspecting and cleaning the main
solution strainer will reduce pressure drop in the system, improve the
consistency of the spray application rate, improve the life of spray
system pumps, and reduce the risk of contamination when switching
products. Photo credit: Ryan Bergman, ISU Extension.
Figure 3. Routine cleaning of the sprayer flow meter will
ensure accurate application rates and reduce the calibration
requirements for the solution system. Photo credit: Ryan Bergman, ISU Extension.
General machine maintenance
It’s important to make sure your sprayer is mechanically sound.
Consult your owner’s manual for checklists and specifications to
evaluate during this process. Make sure greasable parts and joints are
properly lubricated, machine fluids are at the proper level, filters are
clean and in good condition, and tire mounting nuts are properly
torqued and in good condition. Many boom suspension components require
frequent lubrication to ensure adequate movement and can have an impact
on boom height control performance. Sprayer tires also are important to
evaluate and check. Due to the high speeds and axle loads experienced by
sprayer tires, they need to be in good operating condition and properly
Taking time to inspect and maintain your sprayer now is one step to preparing for a smooth spring.